July Newsletter

GIF has been working with 98 summer school students to develop projects and pursue meaningful community engagement! Incoming high School senior Erin Sampson is serving as the project manager, overseeing these students and guiding them to opportunities to work on our database and to help local organizations.

We currently has 15 interns working on projects. One of our interns is Brandon Wu, and he's developing an app for the homeless to locate shower trucks and to receive needed supplies.

We're also recruiting students to help Mask of Hope, a project started by a local Greene Middle School student and his mom; to date, they have sewn almost 3000 cloth masks and donated 2855 one time disposable masks. Masks are going to be essential to opening up our society, so to help out this organization, contact: maskofhopepaloalto@gmail.com.

Interested in a Gif internship? You can start anytime! Choose from our 12 interest categories and our database of organizations.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, senior connectivity has been limited due to social distancing. Accessibility to services and senior programs lies an unsolved problem, left in the gray areas.

Seniors' needs with language translation, tech use, and physical health greatly differ. Designing printed and simple online information guides with resources for the targeted group need to be adjusted and updated based on the circumstances.With looming state budget cuts in California, seniors will be losing access to many needed services, and reconnecting them to other sources will be a problem to address.

So this summer, Stephanie is working on a project to support senior citizens during COVID-19 by connecting them to social services and proving accessible resources through senior-targeted information networks. She's hoping to survey seniors around the Bay Area so she can learn more about their pressing needs during these times. Please share the below survey with any seniors in need! 



Adrit Rao - Grocery Shopping during COVID


Open letter to the Get Involved community